
08 June 2016

American Anthropological Association Votes Against Resolution to Boycott Israeli Academic Institutions

Elizabeth Redden reported today about the American Anthropological Association's close vote against a resolution to boycott Israeli academic institutions.

She writes:A total of 2,423 AAA members voted to oppose the boycott measure, while 2,384 supported it. About 51 percent of AAA’s 9,359 voting-eligible members participated in the boycott vote, which took place online from April 15 through May 31.
The results of the online vote contrast sharply with the results of a vote in favor of an academic boycott that took place at the association’s annual business meeting in November. At that time, members in attendance voted by an overwhelming 1,040 to 136 margin to move forward with a boycott resolution by placing it on an online ballot for consideration by the full membership this spring.
Despite the boycott being voted down, the AAA has passed the following actions. For more information about this boycott leading up to the vote, see our previous post entitled The Vote Heard Around the (Anthropological) World: American Anthropological Association v. Israeli academic institutions.